Empower Your Portfolio: Options Trading Benefits and Risks

Empower Your Portfolio: Options Trading Benefits and Risks

In our previous post, we covered what options trading is and how it works. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend doing so before diving into this article.  You can read it here. Today, we’re going to explore some of the pros and cons of trading options and go into why I believe having a grasp of long-term investing fundamentals is crucial before venturing into options trading.   Pros of Options Trading Leverage:  Options provide investors the ability to…

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Options Trading: What you need to know to get Started

Options Trading: What you need to know to get Started

Options trading has surged in popularity recently, with many diving in without fully grasping the investment basics. We live in an era of instant gratification, where keeping up with social media influencers often feels like a necessity. But as Chris Rock humorously pointed out, just because you can drive a car with your feet, don’t make it a good idea. Options trading isn’t rocket science, but it’s not as straightforward as buying and holding stocks either. It requires strategy and…

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Investing Nightmare: How I Lost Big and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe

Investing Nightmare: How I Lost Big and What You Need to Know to Stay Safe

Time Lost, Money Missed: Why Investing Early Matters Even as a child, I’ve always been intrigued by the stock market and investing. I vividly recall playing the virtual stock market in college, crushing it, and thinking, “Damn, I need to invest real money.” However, fear held me back. I felt like I needed more money to start and lacked guidance on where to begin. I remember a moment around 2005-2006, during college, when I suggested to my mother that she…

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The Elite Five: My Top Credit Cards Delivering Maximum Value

The Elite Five: My Top Credit Cards Delivering Maximum Value

What’s up, Stocksavvy family? Here at Stocksavvydad.com, we’re diving into all things finance, including credit cards and rewards. As a credit card rewards enthusiast for the past eight years, I’m excited to share my personal top five consumer credit cards. Think of it as my starting five lineup. Now, before we dive in, let’s establish the golden rule of credit card use: Always pay off the balance in full each month. Getting into debt chasing credit card sign-up bonuses and…

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Best Money Moves for 2024 Continued

Best Money Moves for 2024 Continued

Don’t Ignore Crypto but Proceed with Caution It seems people either love crypto or hate it; there’s no in-between. And that’s understandable. With so many “junk” coins on the market and scam artists out there, deciphering what’s worth your time and what isn’t can be challenging. That’s why you shouldn’t ignore crypto but proceed with caution. Crypto: The Year That Was Whether you’re a crypto lover or hater, you can’t ignore the results of Bitcoin in 2023. Bitcoin made a…

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Best Money Moves for 2024!

Best Money Moves for 2024!

Take Care of Your Health: Health is Wealth We often hear “health is wealth,” but let’s unpack that. While money is a powerful tool it can’t buy health or happiness. Prioritizing our health is crucial, not just for longevity but for the quality of life it brings. It’s about adding life to your years not just years to your life, enabling us to enjoy the fruits of our financial success. Money as a Tool, Not the End Goal Money itself…

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Playing Smart: Portfolio Lessons from Football’s Best and Worst

Playing Smart: Portfolio Lessons from Football’s Best and Worst

As a longtime New York Jets fan, this year was supposed to at least bring an end to our playoff drought. Our portfolio was robust we boasted—a top-five defense, the reigning offensive rookie of the year, and an overall solid roster. However we were missing one critical component—a competent quarterback. This seemed to change overnight when we traded for Aaron Rodgers. Tragically, our high hopes were shattered just four plays into the season when Rodgers tore his Achilles and was…

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Decoding The Market Part 2: Breaking Down Options, Market Cap, & More

Decoding The Market Part 2: Breaking Down Options, Market Cap, & More

Welcome back to “Decoding the Market”, our monthly series where we simplify stock market jargon into language everyone can grasp. In our debut post, we unpacked the concept of stocks, explored order types, differentiated between bull and bear markets, and even cozied up with dividends. If you missed it, make sure to catch up here. Today, we’re back to add some more arrows to your investment quiver. By the end of our session, I promise you’ll be flaunting your investment…

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Say Goodbye to the Casino: Why You Need To Invest and How To Get Started

Say Goodbye to the Casino: Why You Need To Invest and How To Get Started

This past weekend, I was at a graduation party and got into a discussion about sports gambling with some friends and family. One individual recently wagered $500 on the 2023 Home Run Derby, betting that the longest home run would exceed 487 feet. By a slim margin of 4 or 5 feet, he lost. To me, this bet seemed reckless—too much money at stake for something that’s largely random. When I asked him about investing, his response was, “No, but…

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From 600 To 800+: A Detailed Roadmap To A Better Credit Score

From 600 To 800+: A Detailed Roadmap To A Better Credit Score

My Story About 15 years ago, in my early 20s, I took my first leap into the world of credit with an Amazon rewards Visa card. Enticed by the checkout bonus, I felt a rush of adrenaline as I purchased with borrowed money. While I didn’t initially overspend, my understanding of credit was limited. I wasn’t always paying off my balance in full each month and soon realized how much money I was wasting on interest. That’s when I made…

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