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Category: Stock Market

Options Trading: What you need to know to get Started

Options Trading: What you need to know to get Started

Options trading has surged in popularity recently, with many diving in without fully grasping the investment basics. We live in an era of instant gratification, where keeping up with social media influencers often feels like a necessity. But as Chris Rock humorously pointed out, just because you can drive a car with your feet, don’t make it a good idea. Options trading isn’t rocket science, but it’s not as straightforward as buying and holding stocks either. It requires strategy and…

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Playing Smart: Portfolio Lessons from Football’s Best and Worst

Playing Smart: Portfolio Lessons from Football’s Best and Worst

As a longtime New York Jets fan, this year was supposed to at least bring an end to our playoff drought. Our portfolio was robust we boasted—a top-five defense, the reigning offensive rookie of the year, and an overall solid roster. However we were missing one critical component—a competent quarterback. This seemed to change overnight when we traded for Aaron Rodgers. Tragically, our high hopes were shattered just four plays into the season when Rodgers tore his Achilles and was…

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Decoding The Market Part 2: Breaking Down Options, Market Cap, & More

Decoding The Market Part 2: Breaking Down Options, Market Cap, & More

Welcome back to “Decoding the Market”, our monthly series where we simplify stock market jargon into language everyone can grasp. In our debut post, we unpacked the concept of stocks, explored order types, differentiated between bull and bear markets, and even cozied up with dividends. If you missed it, make sure to catch up here. Today, we’re back to add some more arrows to your investment quiver. By the end of our session, I promise you’ll be flaunting your investment…

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Say Goodbye to the Casino: Why You Need To Invest and How To Get Started

Say Goodbye to the Casino: Why You Need To Invest and How To Get Started

This past weekend, I was at a graduation party and got into a discussion about sports gambling with some friends and family. One individual recently wagered $500 on the 2023 Home Run Derby, betting that the longest home run would exceed 487 feet. By a slim margin of 4 or 5 feet, he lost. To me, this bet seemed reckless—too much money at stake for something that’s largely random. When I asked him about investing, his response was, “No, but…

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Crafting Your Investor Identity: A Key To Successful Investing!

Crafting Your Investor Identity: A Key To Successful Investing!

In the world of investing, having a clear sense of your identity is as vital as having a solid understanding of market trends and terminologies. It’s like having a GPS in the financial wilderness, guiding your decisions, and shaping your overall investing strategy. But what does it mean to have an ‘Investor Identity,’ and why is it so important? In this post, we’ll dissect this concept and explore how to develop your unique investor identity. Key Aspects of your Investor…

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Decoding The Market Part 1: Breaking Down The Basics

Decoding The Market Part 1: Breaking Down The Basics

Embarking on your investment journey in the stock market can be a thrilling yet daunting adventure, especially for those just starting out. It’s easy to feel like you’ve stumbled into a foreign land where the language – full of jargon and acronyms – might as well be straight-up gibberish. But hey, don’t trip! In this series, my goal is to decode that cryptic lingo, helping you navigate the wild jungle of the financial markets with swagger and confidence. Key Stock…

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